Doug WSB Web Page Sample Nov 2020

Do you want your small business making more money?
Then You Need to Learn to Sell...
It's just that Simple.

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I’m Doug Martin and I teach people just like you, entrepreneurs, how to sell. I also teach the most professional salespeople in the world how to sell better. I know what I’m doing. And I can help you move your business income to where it should be.

Regardless of what type of business you have, a small roofing company, a landscaping firm, an interior design company you run from your home or one of millions of people looking to bring a little more into the family through a MLM opportunity…you have got to learn to sell.

“There are only three ways you can grow your business.
Sell more of what you have, sell what you have for more, or do both”.

Most people don’t start a business to sell…. they start their business to “Do”. But quickly learn that selling is an incredibly important aspect. It’s frustrating because you know the potential is there, but you are stuck at a static sales level that probably doesn’t correspond to the effort you are putting into your venture.

Let me ask you a question…do you find yourself discounting or going off your price list just to get an order? Of course, you do. Everybody does. All the money that was left on the table is your profit…your cash…. your money. Learning to sell “Value” elevates your skill aptitude and begins adding back margin that too easily was handed over to customers. They will gladly pay more, when they can appreciate your value proposition. Couple that simple aspect with scale up increases and you are business building with purpose.

Now you are doing all three! Deliberately.

The challenge you have when growing your business and revenue is that sales is a professional art and you don’t have the time to learn how to become a pro, but I can teach you all the same lessons I teach dedicated revenue generators the exact same way….through a five minute story lesson every Monday morning called The Weekly Sales Beast.

to sell.

Peak Performance Comes From Nuances.

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I’ve followed sales masters across North America and beyond as part of my own business pursuits, and I began chronicling the success stories of the world’s best to the point of obsession. I loved to learn how they excelled in the tough area of revenue generation. Over time I collected hundreds of stories and culled them into my favorite 160. This became the best “How To” course on selling I’d ever seen AND remarkably the lessons were all simple basic learning points anyone could do.

Each week I send you a story that will take only five minutes to read and settle into your mind. But the point of the story will be powerful, and you will begin to see how it fits into your particular business circumstances. Every Monday morning you’ll begin your selling week with a new lesson to inspire your growth pursuits.

It’s not complex…the lessons are founded in simplicity and you will begin building on each of the lessons as you move methodically through the program. I’ve shared these exact stories with thousands of entrepreneurs’ just like you. You can profit from learning how others have mastered the toughest business skill…. selling.

to sell.

5 Reasons to Invest $312.00 in yourself
right now!

  1. Improving your ability to sell…and sell for more, is a fundamental business asset.
  2. The lessons you receive are applicable from day one and will begin impacting your business right away.
  3. Our program spreads your learning and skill building out over an extended time…ensuring the lesson has time to resonate.
  4. Each of the 160 story-lessons is a five-minute read that every busy schedule can accommodate.
  5. You’ll get the exact same sales knowledge that the best professional sales representatives have been getting for years.

to sell.

“How can you teach me to sell?"

The old-fashioned way. I’ll tell you a story centered in the sales world that will teach one of three core categories; A Tactical Sales Lesson, A Strategic Sales Lesson or a Motivational Sales Lesson. The stories are entertaining and, in many cases, humorous, but each is dedicated to a single learning point. You’ll quickly see that the examples used in the lessons can be adapted in your market and you’ll easily incorporate them into your sales efforts.

to sell.

Don’t put this off.

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Learning to earn more money can begin as soon as you start learning how. I’m asking you to invest $312.00 in yourself and your business. A ridiculously low risk for a long-term program. Start today and I’m with you for the next three years teaching you the nuances of value selling. And that’s important. You and I are going to build your skills the right way, methodically.

Ask yourself two simple questions:

“Do I think that my sales ability will get better or worse if I embrace this learning program”? “Is it feasible that I can learn enough to offset an investment of $312.00 over the foreseeable future”?

I think so too. Join the thousands who have benefited by having The Weekly Sales Beast as their weekly foundation for sales excellence.

More Skills Means More Money

This is a great investment that grows both you and your business!

  • $312.00

WSB Buttons Oct 16 2020-07

Not Convinced? 

Investing in yourself is hard. Send me a message and I’ll write you back and tell you why you’re worth it.